AGM 2024

Jill D Square 150AGM 2024

A highly successful AGM was held on Thursday 22 August


with close to 60 members attending and enjoying each other’s company and the small plates of food soon added up to a lovely afternoon tea, for when the time came. Following the normal processes of AGMs apologies, last year’s minutes matters arising etc were efficiently dealt with.  Jenni Wright read out the warm letter of resignation received from Margreet and Neil Simpson who wished everyone and the club all the best for the future and this was acknowledged and returned.

Phil then read out his President’s report for the last year President’s Report  Following this a presentation of fruit platters was made to Jan Butcher and Jay Devlin for their sterling committee service.

For general information officers elected were

President – Phil Keene

Vice President – John Gardiner

Secretary/Treasurer – Jenni Wright

Communications Officer – Ross Davies

Committee – Pam Cocks, Barbara Shackell, Graeme Souter, Esther Willis, Wendy Langley, Katrina McKenzie.

Phil outlined section 4 e of the constitution relating to life membership that can be awarded to persons both long standing and for making a significant contribution to the objects of the club.  Eleanore Ryan then read the valedictory and presented life membership to Jill Dodd, which was warmly received with very hearty acclamation.  Valedictory speech

Jill D
Eleanore presents Jill Dodd with life membership of the club.

Ross Davies then introduced the web team members and then provided a timely overview of the website and changes.  Ross stepped through each key step of the website (on screen) so that all members could be aware of the site’s capabilities and how to present photos for write ups etc. Ross stressed that the team is always open to feedback, constructive suggestions etc.

Phil introduced our guest speaker, Roger Leslie from East Taieri.  Roger literally held the floor for the next 40 minutes and based his talk on his walk of New Zealand, from Bluff to Cape Reinga to support the awareness of mental health and the Able Minds Trust.

His talk demonstrated the power of an idea; as a child his hero was AH Reed, who walked NZ at the age of 85, and this drove him to complete the walk, albeit in later life.  He outlined the exploits of both himself and his wife Joy (Roger’s sole support team member) as they completed 60 km a day for 37 days, set against the backdrop of the covid lockdowns. This was an inspiring and most enjoyable presentation. Roger has detailed his adventure in his book ‘On the Verge’.  Phil and Jenni have Roger’s contact details if you are interested in buying this.

It had been planned as a wee surprise to acknowledge Bev Harvey’s 90th birthday with a cake but unfortunately Bev needed to leave earlier than we planned!  Jill Dodd and Jenni Wright visited Bev the next day and presented the Cake to Bev, so we hope you enjoyed it Bev! Happy Birthday!



Thanks to everyone who contributed and attended to make the AGM so successful.




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