03/07/2024. Combined. Tunnel Beach, Concord Tavern Lunch – Mid Winter Catchup. Grade 2. Leaders: Phil and Helen Morris, Jay Devlin and Margaret Maxwell.

On a clear cold Dunedin day a group of Trampers and Hikers combined to travel to Tunnel beach (sometimes called tunnel Cliffs) meeting at 9.50am at the carpark there.

On arrival it was new to some, but the tidy newish carpark and toilets was a pleasant surprise for many that hadn’t been there for a while. It has made it a pleasant attraction for our city. The large group congregated there and a short summary of the legend of John Cargill, the tunnel, and history of same.

The tunnel was built in the 1870’s at request of John Cargill whose residence Sea View was nearby. He was the son of William Cargill and brother of Edward Bowes Cargill who built Cargill’s Castle which now sadly stands in ruins not far up coast. The tunnel was built for his daughters to provide them with a private safe bathing spot and to safeguard their modesty, but it is not known whether that’s the truth or part of a legend. Perhaps he just wanted a cool private beach- seemed the motivation to me. The tunnel walls are rough, bearing tool marks and the concrete steps were later added in 1983 when a walkway was opened to the public. Investigation showed no evidence that the daughters or a daughter had drowned. John Cargill did leave NZ in 1884, but due to heavy financial losses from his Central Otago farm. So, unless new evidence comes to light one is forced to conclude that this drowning is simply a product of local imagination.

Anyhow we set off down towards the tunnel in cool but improving weather to see the magnificent Cliffs with the track heading to a view of Blackhead (misty) Quarry.

We continued to a platform with views of cliffs and the tunnel entrance to the North East. The sea in high tide was raging and these hills were taking a battering.

The chatter continued as we arrived at the top of tunnel to the North and the cliffs to the south, showing some resilience to the wave onslaught. The first ten went down the steps of the tunnel to find a waterfall, black round stones a walrus and to amazement a calmer sea. What a transition.

After a general yak, it was decided those that wanted to have a cuppa had one, some that wanted to head back up would do so, and after a good climb back up. Those that wanted to headed back by foot to Concord Tavern for Mid Year lunch, while others organised to change gear and travel back by car.

A relaxed but good blowout before we indulged into some hot Tavern tucker with others that joined us from the club.

Thanks to the Hiking Group: Jay and Margaret and the Tramping Group: Helen and Phil
Hope you enjoyed one of Dunedin’s Wonders.
Phil M
Link to background information and earlier tramps and hikes in the same area.
Link to earlier midwinter dinners.