Government Track, Kowhai Spur, Mill Creek – Information and Trips Library

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
2.5+ hours from road to Pole-line and Styx Road.
DCC – Government Track map – see image below.
DCC: Mountain biking on Government Track
[DCC brochure extract: Government Track. 4 hr 30 min, 17 km (return).
The track entrance is Government Track / Kowhai Spur 5 km down Waipori Falls Rd on the right; parking is 100 m further on the left.
Traversing the slopes of the beech-and mānuka-forested Waipori Valley south of Dunedin, the Government Track was built in the 1860s to provide access to the central goldfields. For mountain bikers there is an option of riding up and returning the same way. Alternatively, once at the top follow the pylon track left and steeply down into Waipori township, then follow the road back to the start.]

Links to tramps and hikes in the same area:

10/07/2024. Government Track, Kowhai Spur. Grade 4. Trampers. Leaders: Lyn Keene, Jenny Wilton.
Government Track and Beyond (1991 – 2023. 34 trips)
Post Office Creek – Government Track (1996 – no report – downhill all the way.)
Mill Creek Track and Kowhai Spur  (1993 – 2010, 13 trips – only 1 report).
Tramps Incorporating Three Kings (1989 – 2021, 26 trips including 4 to Mill Creek, Kowhai Spur, or both (no reports)).

DCC – Government Track map:
Gvt Track Kowhai Spur Map Dcc Screenshot 2024 07 08 221526


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