Doctors Point, McKessar, Mopanui, Ridgeline

37 km from car park to Mopanui Road end, and 40 km to
foot of McKessar Road.

The private land owners for the Pigeon Flat Walk are. 

Michael Lee   0224312212   Pigeon Flat end.

Ross Illingworth  021143304  Waitati Valley end.

The stone-walled ruins on Mckessar Track

Img 9771 Thumbnail 216. 19/06/2024 Trampers – Purakanui, Mopanui and return. Grade 4.  Leaders: Graeme Souter and Heather Kirk

Sometimes It can be a bit bleak walking this time of the year. Yet there we were, 18 trampers keen to head out for a tramp from Purakanui and up Mopanui.


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