Chain Hills Track. Accessed from Chain Hills Road. 30 min. Tramping Track. – benched. Manager: DCC CAM and private land.
20. 12 June 2024. Exploring Abbotsford/Fairfield. Grade 1.5. Hikers. Leaders Jan Yardley and Noi McCunn
The day started with a heavy frost – the heaviest so far this winter. We parked at the Sunnyvale Sports Ground and walked into Green Island, ably led by Noi.
Morning tea was supposed to be in the gardens, but the kid’s playground was a better bet. Not so frosty.

Carried on through Green Island then across the motorway overbridge.

Meandered through Sunnyvale, then up Taieri Road and crossed under the railway bridge into the Grandvista Estate.

By this time there was little evidence of frost, and the day was quite pleasant with no wind.

Down a track, back past Sunnyvale Sports Ground, then up to Fairfield along streets and a couple of tracks in the Sunninghurst estate. Ended up coming down a track by the motorway, across the bridge, and then to Walton Park sports grounds for lunch. Another playground provided plenty of seating.

After lunch took a bike track which runs round the bottom of the park, with views across to the estuary and the treatment station.

Back to Old Brighton Road and then to the new track which runs between Old Brighton Road and Howarth Street. This was developed by Fulton Hogan to celebrate their 100 years in business. A lovely track through in places quite tall trees, and new native plantings in the area where there was no existing shrubbery. Unfortunately we could only do the top half, as the bottom half was closed due to machinery working which looked as if they were spreading more sawdust on the track.
We finished the day walking down the main road to the Village Green, where we had coffee. Nice to have Raewyn join us at lunch, and then Ady for coffee. Neither have been able to tramp for a while due to injury, so good to catch up. 20 hikers, and covered around 13 kms. Thanks to Noi for her very able leadership and knowledge of the area. Jan Yardley, Noi McCunn.
19. 5 October 2022. Combined. Green Island/Abbottsford and surrounds. Grade 3-3.5. $5. Leaders: Phil & Colleen, Raewyn & Jenny F.
With weather forecasts of snow and strong winds fresh in their minds, 24 hardy walkers gathered at the Village Green, some hoping no doubt as we walked passed the cafe that we were going for an early fix.

But to no avail as we immediately had to climb Thomson Street, short and not too sharp for our first huff n puff for the day. Immediately there were good views of the south end of Green Island, Estuary and Saddle Hill. On the far side, the ridge outline of Green Island Bush Rd, and the farm we did our recce through,(would the weather let the trampers make it that far?)

Gardens in the area were festooned with blossom and bright ground cover and we all admired the Abbotsford home for wayward boys, it looked pretty good to the writer.
Walking through the new subdivisions, (once the playground of post war GI and Abbotsford lads), everything seemed much grander than back in the day. The natural storm-water basin was a delight with native plantings, and the entrance to the subway under the railway was a feature, painted by pupils of the school. A suggestion was made that some may want to take a little more time to walk Abbots Hill Rd while others stayed in the school playground for morning tea.

Mmm the majority headed off in the first group! Many thanks to Jenni and Bruce for the ‘sweets’ and congrats again for the milestone anniversary and birthday.

Following morning tea the groups reunited to reach the top of Abbots Hill, and descend down the land that was the top of the now (in)famous Abbotsford slip in August 1979.

With the agreement of the lifestyle owners we were able to eliminate many of the fences encountered on the recce, and take in the views. Having stayed together to the upper rugby grounds of Miller Park, the two groups split with the trampers heading down, through the tunnel under the motorway and up the other side of GI to the GI Bush Rd, whilst the hikers would move south up Neill St and down into the town via the motorway overhead footbridge for lunch. For the trampers more information on the slip was shared in the area of what was the lounge of the writers house, built by his parents in 1942.

Following lunch on the reserve ‘in town’ and with advancing stormy clouds the Hikers decided to head to the Village Green, along the way finding shelter from the storm under the motorway overhead bridge.

At the same time the Trampers ascended Church Hill Rd and took some very deep breaths near the top as the winds and hail hit; thankfully we saw out the worst of it and carried on to GI Bush Rd where apart from one more brief flurry requiring shelter behind the Hawthorn Hedges,

and passing the memorial to the site of the first GI school in 1853, we were rewarded with literally some breathtaking views of the Maungatua, the Saddle and the ocean, including Green Island and Blackhead, the latter more like a battleship viewed side on.

Our kindly farmer had undertaken some inventive gate fixing to make the entry onto the farm much easier than on the recce, and we were able to enjoy plenty of views as we ambled and shambled down through the farm, the lambs gambolling in the breeze…..(with apologies to Wordsworth). We lunched on a sunny bank near the farm buildings, before heading to the Village Green ‘through town’.

This was a rewarding day and of course all cobwebs were well and truly blown away. For the trampers a solid Grade 3, just on 12km and 350 altitude gain, while the Hikers were Grade 2 and 8km. Well done everyone and special thanks to the landowners involved for allowing access to build a great round trip.
Phil for Raewyn, Jenny F and Colleen
18. 23 March 2022. Hikers. Sunnyvale to Mosgiel. Leaders: Jan Butcher and Noi McCunn.
14 happy hikers set out for a trip to Fairfield and back on a very warm Autumn day. We parked oposite Nellies and crossed the road to get the 9.30am bus to Fairfield.

Alighting at Flower Street, we crossed the Main Road &commenced our walk at the short track around the Sunninghurst subdivision bringing us out onto Howorth Road. At the end of this no exit street we entered a lane taking us through Bremner Street with a lane at the other end bringing us out onto Old Brighton Road. We headed left down to the end of Edith Street bringing us out onto Walton Park where we enjoyed morning tea and could also avail ourselves of a toilet stop!

Jay met up with us here after her early morning appointment in town and off we went again around the well-formed track around the park and on up a lane, around an avenue and back onto Old Brighton Road then up onto a track taking us up to the bottom of Chains Hill Road. We were all very hot & hungry by this time so we just walked a little way up the start of the hill and Neil found us a nice spot in the long grass to have our lunch in the much-needed shade, where we looked out onto Saddle Hill and down the motor way from our high vantage point.

After a leisurely lunch we picked up a second wind and travelled down the hill and around to Braeside to enter the underpass tunnel bringing us out to Cemetery Road. Lots of road works etc going on here. Down Gladstone Road we went to the cars with some of us adjourning to Nellies for a nice cold one of choice.
Barbara brought along a nice young lady with her today by the name of Leah (not sure of spelling). She was lovely company.
Jan & Noi
17. 31/8/2016. Trampers. Friends Hill, Dalziel Road, Abbots Hill Track. M. Leader: Janine.
Our group of 10 trampers set out from the ‘Pixie Patch’ on Friends Hill in absolutely stunning spring weather. The beautiful warm sunshine and no winds complimented the day as we moved from from one stunning vista to the next. Climbing up Friends Hill provided clear views over the Taieri Plains. Saddle Hill, Kaikoura estuary, Brighton coast, Mosgiel and distant mountain surrounds.

As this road reaches it’s peak and becomes Half Way Bush Road we all rested and refreshed with morning tea before heading off. only to be disturbed by 2 large pigs looking for attention – or maybe food! We then veered down a rutted Brinsdon road,with lovely views over Dunedin, then after a short chat to a couple of horseriders reached Dalziel Road. As both Friends Hill and most of Brinsdon Road are ‘gated’ roads we had very little traffic to contend with and only the odd car passed while we tramped Dalziel Road / Grand View Road so again we gazed out at South Dunedin, Green Island, Waldronville and beyond. Diverting onto another ‘gated’ road, Abbotts Hill Road took us through a now empty logging site and into the back of Abbottsford where we continued into the private ‘Abbottsroyd Farm’. Here we set down our packs and soaked up the sun while we all had lunch.

With renewed vitality we all powered up a steep hill and aired our opinions of the ‘Grand Vista’ subdivision and housing plans laid out below us then turned and headed down into the gully where the abandoned Wingatui train tunnel is tucked away in the bush.

Then of course we had another climb to get out of the gully and the track joined up onto the Chain Hill track which we followed back to Friends Hill and the Pixie Patch for drinks, cake and more good company when Margreet and Neil (armed with extra coffee plungers and even more cake!) came to join us.

A stunning day full of picture postcard views and great company. The walk was 14.4 km. – Janine.
16. 27/1/2016 Sunnyvale, Abbotsford, Grandvista, return Green Island. Leaders: Bev and Janice.
The scheduled tramp on Murray’s farm was cancelled owing to rain and the leaders considering it would be dangerous on the wet grass. At short notice, Bev and Jan substituted a walk round Abbotsford. Not too many turned up at the car park, as it was a drizzly morning. However, decided it wasn’t too bad and 6 of us set off. Followed much the same route as a previous walk done a number of years ago, from Sunnyvale sports grounds up Thomson Street through a lane to an older part of Abbotsford, and then on through the Grandvista subdivision. This was most interesting, as it has expanded considerably in the last few years, and people were starting to build on what must be the last remaining sections. Stopped for morning tea at a very attractive children’s park, then carried on through an underpass which connected through to North Taieri Road. Meandered back down through Abbotsford into Green Island, where we had a late coffee at the Post Cafe (which incidentally has very yummy food).

This earned extra brownie points from a certain member of our party – she was impressed with two coffee stops in 2 hours. Elaine joined us for coffee, so it was good to catch up with her. All in all, well worth the walk – the rain was negligible, the company good, and blew away a few cobwebs during a somewhat miserable week. – Bev.
15. 29/4/2013. Both. Sunnyvale, Green Island, Abbotsford. Leaders: Lex, Elaine.
Lex and Elaine led us on long wandering walk, beginning at Sunnyvale, then through Green Island, where we stopped for morning tea in the Gardens.

Then further still through Green Island and across to the foot of Abbotsford for Lunch.

Then it was up and down and around Abbotsford till the writer was completely lost, and finally back to Sunnyvale. Did we do 10 km? Nay, maybe 15 km. It was long anyway, – and satisfying. Thanks to the leaders for reconnoitering a most original (to the writer), extensive and enjoyable walk. – Ian.
14. 11/2/2009 Hikers. Abbotsford – Sunnyvale, Thomson St, Severn St, Nth Taieri Road, Abbotshill Rd, Miller Park, Neill St, Gt Sth Road. Leaders: Carmel, Lex
The walk began at Sunnyvale Sports Centre, thence up Thomson St,
click to enlarge
with morning tea at the end of Severn St at the entrance to the Granvista subdivision,
thence up North Taieri Rd and so up Abbots Hill Rd, at the end of which we made our way down through pine forest and pasture to the GIRFC Miller Park where we lunched,
Chain Hills Road. Molly, Graham, Frank (23/1/2008)
returning along Neill St and the Great South Road. Eighteen of us enjoyed the mild calm day, remarking on properties we passed, the extended views from higher up, the perplexities of the leaders who debated much about the route and rest spots, the people, horses and cats we stopped to converse with. A highlight was having Carmel with us who used to live on the site of the great slip of 1979. Chris produced the book of the disaster, which she had thoughtfully brought along, and which helped to place the past turmoil onto the present calm landscape. Carmel’s house, which they had had warning to evacuate, was one that was carried downhill intact except for a couple of minor damages. Clear in her mind though, was the fact that their carport and that of the neighbour were dismantled and stolen by persons undiscovered during one of the following nights! We had had a varied walk, much better we thought than that of a local resident who had completed numerous clockwise level circuits of Miller Park main playing field while we lunched! – Bob M
Among the things of interest on this hike are the variety of different animals we see. Goats, alpacas, ostriches, as well as the usual sheep of various colours, dogs, chooks and cats. Lunch stop was in a very pleasant reserve/playground area where we had a relaxing break while enjoying our lunch. Became rather overcast and cooler so we packed up and set off on the homeward leg, via Morris Rd. Sun soon came out again though so we had a pleasurable walk rest of way back to cars. An agreeable day had by all. – Bev.
12. 26/10/2008 Trampers. Wingatui, Friends Hill, Halfway Bush and back. Leader: Ria
11. 23/1/2008 Hikers. Leaders: Frank, Lesley
10 trampers started out on a beautiful day from the community hall opposite the Wingatui race course. We walked up Friends Hill, everyone taking it at their own pace,
with our leader Ria striding out ahead. After a pleasant stop for morning tea, looking back over the lovely view of the Taieri Plain, it was up and over the top into Half Way Bush road looking at the interesting colour schemes of the new houses along the way. On reaching Three Mile Hill Road, there were several options to be considered taking into account how far we all wanted to tramp.
In the end we opted for the easiest one and walked along Dalziel road to the new reservoir and ate our lunch in the park by the water. It was then back to Brinsdon Road past the Mt. Grand water scheme and back to Friends Hill where it was all downhill back to the cars. The tramp took about four and a half hours including the breaks. A very satisfactory tramp on a lovely sunny day with some up hill work to keep us fit. Tash

Some great photographs that speak for themselves. They really encourage walking and also remind people of other special places so keep it up. Thanks guys.