7. 17/08/2022. Vauxhall/Musselburgh. Grade 2. Leaders: Raewyn & Jan
Thankfully the weatherman got it wrong. Mosgiel was shrouded in fog as we left PJ Park, but there was no sign of rain or wind as we arrived at Bayfield Park. 18 hikers set off over the Causeway, along Portobello Road past the large slip and on to the Vauxhall Yacht Club for morning tea. After a short history about the ‘White House’ & Arthurs Walk, we stopped to reflect ‘what might have been’ as we passed the now derelict house, and continued onwards up the steps.

An ‘up & down’ Glengyle Street provided great views across to the city, while Glendevon Street had views over the rest of Waverley. Another short history here regarding the ‘Vauxhall Gardens’ – an 1860s playground for the rich, now non-existent.
The high hedges (popular in the area) provided some interest too, particularly at the south end of the Peninsula where an octagon shaped hedge surrounds another ‘white house’.

After walking the one-way lane around said hedge, we returned to Larnach Road and walked up to Mathieson street where unfortunately a chilly wind greeted us for lunch.

It was then time to make the steady descent downhill and cross the park before venturing to Sunshine. A walk along Rawhiti Street, up Moana Crescent & through Sunshine Lane, soon brought us to ground level again and back to the cars.

A consensus of 8-9km, with coffee at the Daily Dose. Thank you to Jan for standing in for Linda, and Margreet for taking the photos. Raewyn.
6. 25/1/2017. Musselburgh, Andersons Bay, Cemetery. E. Leaders for Musselburgh: Les and Margaret; for Andersons Bay: Peter and Wendy.

Musselburgh, Moana Crescent; Rewa Street, Sunshine Lane; Portobello Road. Portobello Road; Marne Street; Somerville Street; Silverton Street; Tomahawk Road; Crematorium; Cemetery; Tahuna Road; Cress Street; Tainui Road; Musselburgh Rise; Shore Street.
A bit overcast but quite pleasant as 18 hikers parked their cars in Spottiswood St ready to set out on a Street Walk round the Andersons Bay area. First stop was at the Andersons Bay Cemetery for morning tea and a browse around the graves. Very interesting, especially round the oldest areas. We ended up being there about an hour as 2 of the group had not heard the meeting up again time of 11am!! However, as it wasn’t an overly long walk it didn’t really matter. We walked along several streets, admiring houses and gardens, till we finally got to the Andersons Bay school where we made the most of some very pleasant areas to sit and have our lunch. From there it was around some more streets till we arrived back at our cars. All agreed they had had an interesting and enjoyable day. – Bev.
2. 3/10/2001. Combined. Street Walk Arthurs Walk Waverley Book 1 Leaders: Bev H, Bev McI, Pat
1. 20/9/2000 Vauxhall, Waverley, Andersons Bay, Musselburgh. Leaders: Margaret D, Daphne, Betty B
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