One of our best tramps ever!!
26 of us were met by Richard from Good Tour Bus Company leaving at 8:25am and driving an hour up to the Woolshed road, past the sheep yards for 3kms (saved an uphill walk) on Horsehoof Station.

The weather was calm, with low cloud and fog in places. We set off up the access road for about 6kms to the summit at 895 metres.

(Photo and caption Gordon)
Smoko was at 10:15am at the aerials, beside the boundary of the D.O.C. Reserve.
The fence into the Reserve was crossed and soon after a little detour to the rock outcrop was had to enable some to test their rock-climbing ability.

We continued upwards following a faint track along the fence line, through scrub, dominated by dracophyllum. The summit in the rolling tops can now be hard to find as the trig has gone and only the base and a pole remain. This high point for us was reached at 11:30am. From here the views were truly spectacular.

(Photo and caption Gordon)
This was the end of the days climbing, soon to be followed by about another 9kms down. We crossed the fence again and stopped for lunch at 12:15pm, amongst colourful, interesting plant varieties.
It was a great walk out in the afternoon, still enjoying beaut views, particularly the intricate set of channels, swamps, and lakes between Waipori and Lake Waihola, and, the Taieri river at the start of the gorge. Dunedin Airport was small in comparison to the vast Taieri plain.

Continuing downhill we passed the lone rock outcrop before passing by The Three Kings rocks outcrop (which are much more of a landmark when viewed from the flood free highway). Finally, we came through a patch of native bush, including some great specimens of Beech trees. Then, rounding a bend we saw our bus was parked up waiting. We arrived to it at just after 3pm.

We covered about 16kms over 6 hours.
This MAUNGATUA Traverse was a first for all of us, apart from President Arthur. Our thanks to you Arthur for leading us today. Also, thanks to Heather for leading, along with Horsehoof Station Owners, the van Turnhouts at 3 Kings end and bus driver Richard Trainer.
I hope you all enjoyed this tramp as much as I did. We are so lucky to have strong bodies and good health to enjoy tramping in the hills we love.