Mid-week recreational and social walking group based in Mosgiel NZ
Takitakitoa Wetland
1. 7/4/2021. All. Takitakitoa Wetland. Leaders. Raewyn, Phil and Jill D
Wow, what a magical place, right on our back door, we can come here anytime, a great place to bring the grand kids…….Just some of the comments from 45 folk as we surveyed the wetland from the look out after the initial 20 minutes of walking, and listened to Steve Dixon from Otago Fish and Game wax lyrical about his office and spot fng his house, and who would disagree with him.
“The popular view” – Photo and Caption John.“Steve from Fish and Game talking.” – Photo and Caption John
Steve clearly had done a Health and Safety assessment, having first created additional steps and boardwalk to aid access to the lookout track. He outlined the land history of the area, including land swaps, to provide an effective area for the wetland, as well as the process of creating the lake through the formation of the bund, and how flows and water levels are managed.
The area was quickly adopted by a range of water fowl and aquatic life and the mai-mai’s are available and open to junior and novice game bird hunters, principally on the opening day of the game bird season.
Photo and Caption John
Following morning tea we backtracked from the lookout and carried on, past extensive and fast growing native plantings to skirt the wetland and finally to arrive on the bund, that effectively controls water depth in the wetland at around 800mm. We strolled and shambled across the bund, where Steve outlined the fish pass process, including the inanga (whitebait) breeding habitat.
“The water and whitebait come and go from here!” – Photo and Caption John..
In addition to brown teal, mallard, ‘parries’, black swan, and one or two white faced heron were also observed. Some perch maybe establishing themselves in the wetland as well. The fishermen turned their eyes to the pools….
In thanking Fish and Game for their hospitality it was commented that it was great to see a vision achieved so quickly, and with the right environment and support to see how nature can quickly be re established. Thanks also to the NZ Game Bird Habitat Trust for funding .
Folk stretched out for the return walk to the cars, with Steve providing some assistance for hitch-hikers over the last few hundred metres. Thanks again Steve.
From the Wetland car park there was a steady procession of cars headed for Momona Hall to enjoy a convivial lunch with guest of honour Lester. The chairperson of the Hall committee provided an interesting over view of the history of the Hall, and outlined in some detail the restoration efforts, principally the magnificent murals and overall presentation of the Hall. Yes a great secret that should be more widely understood and appreciated.
“Learning of the History and murals of the hall.” – Photo and Caption Pam
Arthur outlined to the group Lester’s work and community contribution, including to the Club and presented a card to Lester, which was followed by a fairly rousing version of Happy Birthday Lester. In his response and subsequently the cutting of his chocolate and fruit cake, the latter so expertly baked by himself, Lester managed to squeeze in quite a bit of comment, acknowledging also Mrs Harvey’s 93rd birthday as well as their 65 years of marriage. Well done!
“I made this 90th birthday cake.” – Photo and Caption Clive
In true tramping fashion justice was done to the lovely food, to which everyone had so ably contributed.
“Lester’s 90th birthday function.” – Photo and Caption Pam
Many thanks to all involved in making the day first and foremost such a wonderful social occasion.