23/4/2008 McIntosh Rd from Brighton to Fulton’s Bush. Leaders: Dot B
In spite of a less than conducive day for hiking, with strong winds and some black clouds hanging around, 11 hikers, plus
Evelyn C’s young grandson, Henry, met at Brighton Surf Club ready to get some fresh air and exercise as well as enjoying the usual chatter and fun. We set off up McIntosh Rd and were pleased to find the wind wasn’t too bad and the weather, although cloudy, wasn’t very cold or unpleasant. Just before 10am our leader, Dorothy, found a nice sheltered nook for us to have our morning tea which was much better than waiting till we reached the original place she had chosen as we would been much more exposed to the wind.

On we went up McIntosh Rd till we reached the Fulton’s property which we were to walk through. What a lovely property it was too. Lots of well established trees, some very old, and a great many newly planted trees of wonderful variety and sizes. It was a really delightful place to be walking in and good to be out of the rather unpleasantly gusty wind.

We had our lunch sitting in an attractive area with some old sheds and things around, completely sheltered and very restful. Then it was back the way we had come to the cars at Brighton. We all enjoyed our day and Henry too really seemed to have had a good time, running up the hill and jumping over any obstacle that presented its self. No cobwebs left that day! – Bev