Mar 07 1999

Camp: Waimate

Published by under Camps

7-10/5/1999. Waimate Camp. Leader: Nelson T

On Friday March 7 36 members left Mosgiel by cars for Waimate and most had arrived at Hunter Hills Lodge, (a former Nurses Home)  by 1.00 p.m. After unloading, an interesting walk was made around Waimate. There are several lovely and very impressive churches for such a small community.

On Saturday we all walked from the lodge up a bush track to the top of Mt John (466m) and inspected the White Horse (clydesdale) on the side of the hill. There was an impressive view of Waimate and surrounding area. We then walked down the gravel access road, had lunch on the way and continued to a T junction on the Strawberry Trail. The group then split into two, with some taking the right fork and after about 8km arriving back at the lodge. The remainder, who had taken the left fork, had to walk over 16km and returned to the lodge much later.

Sunday, we all went to Gunns bush and about three quarters of the group opted to do a local native bush walk. The others climbed to the top of Mt Studholm (1085m) and arrived back at the lodge late in the day.

The first group at mid-day drove to Kelsey’s Bush, had lunch, did several small bush walks and were back at the lodge by mid afternoon. We had a happy hour each night and on Sunday a pot-luck dinner to celebrate Mothers Day.

President Les Smith thanked Secretary Nelson Taiaroa for arranging the comfortable accommodation &c and after a successful weekend everyone headed for Mosgiel and home.

– From Taieri Herald

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