Feb 11 1988

Minutes, Steering Committee, 11/2/1988

Published by under Committee Minutes

Minutes of the 2nd meeting of the Steering Committee of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club, Held at  16B Mure Street, Mosgiel at 2.00 p.m. on Thursay 11th February, 1988.

Present: Mesdames Daphne McEwan, Mary Young, June Waugh. Messrs Dave Morton (Chairman), George Haggie, Bob Heenan.
Minutes. The Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed and read by those present. Moved Daphne McEwan, seconded Bob Heenan, that the Minutes be accepted as a true and correct record. Agreed.
Matters arising from the Minutes: The Chairman has obtained a copy of the Constitution of the Otago Tramping Club. The copy was passed around members and Dave Morton outlined the areas of this that could be written to fit in with our Club: – (as per attached schedule).
The Steering Committee were all in agreement regarding the necessity of strict Rules on day tramps and the following points were agreed upon –
1. Each member to carry a whistle which must only be used as set down –
1 Blast to stop tramp,
3 Blasts for emergency.
When this occurs the tramp leader will go back down the line to see what is wrong.
The whole tramp will halt during this time.
2. The leader for the day to have overall control of the outing.
3. Talk on the route etc. to be given before the tramp starts.
4. Leader to appoint a “tail-ender who must stay in this position during walk, also other helpers, as the leader thinks necessary to supervise and help.
5. Leader to set time for meals and stop, start times.
George Haggie was asked to prepare a further list of Dos and Don’ts, this is listed hereunder –
1. Do check that everyone knows where to meet,& exactly where to drive to (in convoy if necessary). Check that there is sufficient parking space at the tramp starting place.
Check that everyone knows exactly the time to meet each week, also the time and place to meet up with other people either on the road or at the final parking venue.
2. Check that permission has been obtained from the proper authorities i.e. farmer, landowner or forestry officer ete., to have proper access to the property, and to respect the property i.e.- opening and closing gates,
– lighting of fires and barbecues,
– the movement of stock
– the crossing of fences, to reduce damage to a minimum.
Check that everyone is familiarised with the particular vagaries of the tramp of the day, (see No. 3 in above section, re. talk before tramp). Mention what might be looked out for re. scenery, birds, trees, historical facts etc.
4. CHECK the number of people starting off ,
CHECK during the day
CHECK at the finish of tramp (back at cars).
5. A Safety Officer to be appointed to liase with each Tramp Leader, and to keep a confidential book of health and medical notes re. members (this to be further discussed at the next General Meeting).
Safety Officer to asceertain that people are fully equipped before tramps set out –
Suitable clothing –
Cotton or woollen underwear, woollen bush shirt or jerseythick woollen socks (if wearing heavy boots) otherwise light woollen socks, plus a spare pair, waterproof parka, waterproof leggings or overtrousers are also a good idea if a long tramp or weather not good. Sun hat or warm woollen hat (weather depending). MOST IMPORTANT – correct footwear for tramping in most conditions. BOots with leather uppers are preferable.
It is useful to carry a towel or large handkerchief in a plastic bag. This can be soaked in water and used for heat protection when necessary or used to dry hands and feet in wet conditions.
6. Food and Drink
Adequate food for morning tea and lunch.
It is essential to have adequate drinkis. A pastic bottle of cold drinks, and / or a thermos flask for hot drinks.
A few sweets containing glucose i.e. barley sugar &c is a good idea.
For big tramps in hot weather you will need to carry salt tablets or salt (ask your Doctor first), to replace the natural body salt lost by perspiration.
7. First Aid Kit.
Safety Officer or Leader to carry this –
i.e. plaster, bandage, asprin, burn lotion, knee and ankle bandages. Survival sheet, elastic &c, small container of ice is a good idea.
8. General –
Drivers should always tramp with a spare car key i case any passengers should need to turn back for health reasons &c, and such people shold be escorted back by another tramper.
No one to be ever left alone on the track, especially if inexperienced in the bush or back country.
Leaders –
Should keep a list of members with addresses and phone nyumbers beside their phone in case of cancellation &c.
Leader’s decision to concel tramp if weather is bad, or change to alternative wet day tramp.
Fees –
After discussion it was agreed that all members, past or future, should ppay a joining fee of $2.00. This will allow a small balance to accruee for the purpose of printing instruction sheets, etc.
Car Marshall –
It was agreed to recommend to the Committee that a Car Marshall be appointed. To arrange passenger needs, and to set car passenger fees for each trim (according to distance).
Grading of Walks –
All walks to be graded on Programme Sheet, i.e. Easy, Average, Difficult etc., with + and – where applicable. More information to be given about each route, on the Programme Sheet.
Annual Meeting –
The Annual General Meeting of the Club to be held on the 1st Thursday in September, of each year. NEW subscriptions due from this date, and should be paid in full by the end of September.
It was moved June Waugh, seconded Daphne McEwan that all the above recommendations be collated and forwarded to a General Meeting of the Club to be held on Thursday 3rd March 1988 at 2.p.m. at Denise Pearce’s hom 65D Forfar Street. AGREED.
It was agreed to hold a further Steering Committee Meeting on Thursday 18th February at 2.p.m. at 16B Mure Street, to check all information and make adjustments as necessary.
Dave Morton offered a vote of thanks to Daphne for providing her lounge for the meeting, and for the cup of tea provided.
The meeting close at 4.30 p.m.

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