West Coast Bike Trip

Oct, 2017. West Coast Bike Trip.

Nine happy bikers, set off for the Coast.

To do the famous Wilderness trail- not that we will boast.

First to Kaniere, to drop off all our gear.

At a cottage in the bush – and then we had a beer.

A barbecue for dinner (after happy hour)

Then off to bed we all did go – we needed muscle power.


The morning dawned quite sunny, so down to Ross we drove.

To climb upon our bicycles, feeling fit, by jove.

The trail was good to start with, but then there came a hitch.

Jill and bike fell off the trail, right into a ditch. (A wet one)

Up she got, and carried on, but oops, what’s happened now?

A conveyor belt was in the way, right across our bow.

The track was closed, or so they said, to build a bridge one day.

We couldn’t let that stop us! We had to find a way.

The brave, strong men took over. They carried all across.

A dangerous operation, we did it without loss.


To Hokitika we did come, eventually, at last.

And had some lunch, ‘twas well deserved – we really went quite fast.

That unisex toilet, was a wonder to our eyes,

A mural weird and wonderful, it really took the prize.


After lunch we carried on, mostly up-hill now.

At last we reached the cottage, I really don’t know how.

Another night of merriment, more good food and wine,

And in the morning, oh alas, the weather wasn’t fine!

The vehicles taken down the road, Kumara was the goal,

The rain it stopped, the sun came out, and we were on a roll!


Up we went, and up – and up.  Judy’s turn to fall –

Right off the trail, it was quite steep, her bike it did a stall.

To Cowboy Paradise we came, I think they’ve got it wrong.

We weren’t even greeted, with rodeo or song.


We carried on, and on and on, mostly now it’s down.

But oops, where’s Keith?  He’s lost the trail, what a silly clown!

At last we’re sorted out again – don’t need another stunt.

But what’s this Dave, you silly B, your helmet’s back to front!


Kumara was a welcome sight, comfy huts and all.

And yummy dinner in the pub, we really had a ball.

The final day was misty, and cold about the knees,

But we didn’t seem to mind it, as we zipped among the trees.

Easy riding all the way, right beside the road.

And then along beside the beach, the ocean ebbed and flowed.

Into Greymouth at top speed, Jim and Betty first.

Thinking they were at the back, they (almost) boilers burst!

Nine happy bikers, aches and pains galore,

Headed home with smiles, wishing there was more. – Judy.