Photo Guidelines

Members Trip Photos and the Webteam

Who Can Submit Photos?

Trip photos can be sent by anyone on the trip. Most phones these days are capable of capturing good images. Be aware that we can only choose a limited number – about 10. Sometimes we received dozens. However, we’ll try for at least one from everyone.

How Many to Send?

More likely this is a question of how few to send. 1 is OK. 10 is probably not OK. Duplicates or multiple takes on the same view are not OK. Submit the one you like best out of similar photos. Maybe submit up to 5 of your favourites, and let us know if you’ve got more. Some weeks we may not get so many and may be wanting more.

Photo Format

This is a question of landscape vs portrait format/ aspect. If you’re not familiar with that, in terms of mobile phones, portrait format is when you use your phone upright amd landscape is when you use your phone sideways. Most times landscape (sideways) is much better, and much preferred. It is rare that a scene requires a portrait format; only tall and close things maybe?

Photo Sizes (Resolution)

In the olden days, size was critical because big photos took up more storage space and more screen space and that affected disk space and screen loading times. Now, it’s not such an issue. Better phones these days means better cameras and larger and sharper photos. Which can make for nice images, especially on bigger screens. Photo resolution is measured in pixels. My cheap phone takes photos 4080 x 3072 pixels. That’s either 4080 high and 3072 wide, or preferable 3072 high and 4080 wide. Either way occupies about 3MB of space. This is a lot more than we want or need.
Free photo editors like Google Photos and Microsoft Photos are able to crop photos or compress them to lower resolutions, like say 2000 x 1500 which would use less than 1MB of space and be more than adequate.
Some photo emailing systems off sizes like small, medium and large. If the result is less than 0.2MB (200 kB) then it’s smaller than we’d like. If it’s 1MB then it’s bigger.
If you don’t know how to reduce the size, then please email just one or two at a time. If they are less than 0.5MB (500 kB) then sending 5 at once will be OK.
We can (and will) reduce the big ones ourselves. There’s not a lot we can do with the ones which are too small, except ask for bigger ones.
Feel free to ask and discuss.

Photo Captions

Captions are a big part of the value of photos. We expect a caption for each photo. It doesn’t have top be artistic. Captions are better if they’re short, and give a clue as to where it is, and perhaps who it is.

Emailing Photos

Please email your chosen photo(s) to [email protected]. Email as separate files, usually .JPG files, in the multiples as above.
You’ll need to give us the caption for each photo, in the body of the email. And maybe also separate to the caption, let us know where it fits into the day’s tramp or hike.
Many phone cameras label the photos with something like IMG2024081411112146.JPG. We like these ones because they tell us that the photo was taken at 11:21am on 14th August 2024. We have a good chance of inserting these in the right order. It’s the ones with titles like IMG4382 that can be harder .
Please don’t delay sending in your photos. Wednesday and Thursday are good, and Friday is often OK. Sometimes we might start early on the task of sorting out the photo sizes and quality and relevance. If we subsequently receive a similar photo, we might just stick with the one we’ve already prepared.

Photo Editing / Manipulation

We reserve the right to edit and manipulate your photos. Some of us are quite sensitive about this while at least one of us has few qualms at all. Many photos are improved by removal of big amounts of blue sky or green undergrowth and show more of what’s interesting in them. And there’s some simple changes that can make some photos with significant dark areas usable. Any changes made are made with good intentions but do let us know if you mind us manipulating them.

Thanks from the TRTC Webteam

Questions or feedback are welcome. Try leaving a reply in the Comments box below.