This week, for a little lockdown-lassitude relief, we’ve got something different for you, a game. We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking #1”
Category: Miscellaneous
Where’s Wally Walking #2
We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking #2”
Where’s Wally Walking #3
We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking #3”
Where’s Wally Walking #4
We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking #4”
Where’s Wally Walking #5
We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking #5”
Where’s Wally Walking? #6
We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking? #6”
Where’s Wally Walking? #7
We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking? #7”
Where’s Wally Walking? #8
We’ve chosen some photos at random from the Club’s activities over the last 10 months. We’ve invited Wally of Where’s Wally fame to join us. It’s hard to hide in a crowd in the outdoors, and Wally didn’t try. The idea isn’t to spot where Wally is in the photo. It is to figure out where Wally is in the world. Well not so much the world but more where he is in Coastal Otago – with one exception. Continue reading “Where’s Wally Walking? #8”
Covid 19 Post Photos to Week of 4th September 2021

COVID-19 Lockdown Week 2 August 2021
The photos for this post were taken in the week to noon Thursday 26th August.
Club members have been out and about walking and on their bikes in lots of beautiful places in their local areas. We have been so lucky to have good weather. Many have also achieved great things working and relaxing in their gardens and around home.
Our sympathies go to Ady for her flood.
Thank you Jenni for offering a mask to anyone in need.
Enjoy the following photos. Chris Wither
Pictured here is me going with the flow just like the Silverstream and the Taieri river. This current picture shows the confluence. I biked along the bank – and banked on my bike to get me home which it did. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ie 21kms Photo and caption Neil Hodgkin

Above On the Harbour Cone recce and on a morning’s bike ride. Morning tea time underneath a lovely flowering wattle and cruising past the now famous wall! Below My water feature finally completed during the lovely lock-down spring weather, another long-term project! Photos and captions Marijke
As usual a beautiful frost free day in Port. and Morning ramble around Back Beach. Photos and captions Michael

Phil relaxing and Helen in her happy place. Photo and caption Phil
Loving my new push bike . Was going down the Karatai track but was warned about an irate farmer so went back up again.

Biking and walking in my neighbourhood Photos and captions Pam Cocks

Hi Team, Photos from Friends Hill Road on Sunday Photos and message Shona

Coping With COVID-19 Lockdown – August 2021
With tramping off-limits because it was the first day of the COVID-19 lockdown for August 2021, we decided a pictorial record of some members activities might be interesting. These photos were taken by members between noon on Wednesday 18th August and noon on Thursday 19th August. Some were taken during the limited exercise opportinities available. Some are recording what people do at home when unable to go out. So what follows is a random selection of Club members activites over a 24-hour period in these strange times. [You can click/tap on any of the photos to see a larger image.]
The Simpsons were hoping to be up on Harbour Cone today. We had to do a local bike ride instead. Take care everyone!
Cheers Margreet and Neil

I have not been feeling the greatest, so no activities outside for me. But been busy with my leadlighting in stead. I am making panels for inside doors. The first has been completed with the dog’s approval and working on the second one, a real labour of love! Everybody keep well and safe. Marijke
Out with daughter Jenni and friends on first day of NZ lockdown. We are on the Wattle walk, Jarradale, Perth Hills. Great scones for reward! Take care back there. Cheers Phil

Whilst out on my walk this (Friday) morning found this bear sheltering under a tree , with very few clothes on ,along with snow along the tops of the Maungatuas ! Jill
And lastly, a little test of local Taieri knowledge to keep you guessing.
Do you know what this wall was erected for. It is located in Stedman Road just along from Helicopters Otago. Cheers, Jenni.
See the responses in the Comments section below.
***Breaking News***
Jenni says “Thanks Jan and Nikki and Bill, we had no idea of its purpose. On the other side it has these partitions. Funny we pass structures like these all the time but pay little attention to them!”
Luxmore, 13-27 Sept 2014.
Two intrepid trampers, geared up for a week,
With lots of lovely tucker, as adventure we did seek.
We drove down to Te Anau – not raining, but it tried;
They gave us our instructions, and a helicopter ride.
Swooping up to Luxmore, …

… firewood swung below,
We landed on the helipad, then inside we did go.
Our rooms were nice and cosy, the fire was blazing well.
The views were quite stupendous …

… (and the toilet didn’t smell).
We stacked away the firewood, and made ourselves at home.
(It didn’t seem to matter that I hadn’t brought a comb).
It snowed and blew and snowed again, the rain began to pour.
The sun shone for a little while, and then it snowed some more.
Our week was really busy, we met a lot of folks.
They came from all around the world, (there were some hunky blokes).
We carried water, chopped up wood, and even cleaned the loos.
And in the evenings, by the fire, we sank a bit of booze.

Our meals were really yummy, (we both can cook quite well).
We wafted to the hut below, a tantalising smell.
DVDs to watch at night, and lots of books to read.
Lots of cuppas through the day, and then, another feed.

Elaine worked the radio, and kept us up to date
With weather forecasts as they came, so trampers knew their fate.
Some of them were ill-equipped, one lot had no food.
Others came with blisters, and one was really rude.
But most of them were friendly, they came with good intent,
Ready to enjoy themselves, and think their time well spent.
Many were from overseas, and thought our country great.
To walk upon our other tracks, they really couldn’t wait.
Judy chopped some firewood – she got whacked on the leg.
Elaine put some ice on, it came up like an egg.
A good excuse for loafing, Elaine did the chores,
While Judy sat with glass in hand, and watched her wash the floors.
We wandered up Mt Luxmore, right up we tried to go,
But didn’t finally make it, because of thigh-deep snow.

The week flew by so quickly, with little time to spare.
With such a great experience, we’re going back next year! – Judy, prompted by Elaine.
Ian. An addition from a later date: May 2015 Report excerpt from:
Kepler Kiwi Catching – By Southern Contractors for Fiordland Conservation Trust
“…. we arrived at the hut just after dark to find that our message hadn’t been received and the two volunteer wardens, Judy Knox and Elaine Day, didn’t know we were coming. With 70+ trampers making the most of the first weekend off season and fine forecast Judy and Elaine had bodies on mattresses coming out their ears but they were most accommodating and kindly set us up in the wardens quarters. We fuelled up and headed out at 2000.
“We arrived back at the hut just after 0400 for a few hours zzzs on the hut warden’s spare bunk and floor.
“Trip diary: 2nd
“We woke up with the light but were feeling quite jaded after the big night and less than three hours sleep and so we didn’t make it out the door till 1045.” – Ian.
Clifden – Te Anau Trip
2-3/2/2013. Trip. Clifden Caves, Te Anau, Lake Henry, Kepler Rainbow Reach to Moturau. – Leader: Heb.
Heb pick us up at 7.30 on Saturday and drove us in the Mosgiel RSA Courtesy Van via a Cafe stop at Gore, Nightcaps, and Ohai to the stop pictured below for lunch.

Then it was up to the Clifden Caves carpark and the start of the underground expedition.

Click Clifden-Caves for DoC article. Its “Activity” section describes the actual experience.

The silver markers kept us on the safe route. Yellow ones warned us of sidetracks to avoid. The route involved quite a bit of stepping over, crawling under and squeezing through.
And then we arrived at the large deep Moon Pool which could be navigated only by stepping around its left side on a narrow , sloping but nice and grippy, ledge. However immediately prior to beginning the ledge experience, Heb slipped into and jammed in a much smaller narrow pothole on the track just before it, (one he had never noticed before) and it took all Ken’s strength in one arm to hold onto him and enable him to eventually lever his wet self out. A sobering moment.
Only two then took to the ledge skirting the pool to its further side and on out, the way incorporating several very helpful longish up-and-down fixed ladders en route.

The other three more prudently (discretely? wisely?) turned back.
Back at the van, with Heb dried out and into a change of clothes, it was on to the Te Anau Sea Scouts Hall at Te Anau for the overnight stay.

An evening stroll was a circumnavigation of lake Henry nearby.

Later it was Petanque for some; later bed for all.
Next morning, after breakfast, we drove to and walked the Kepler from Rainbow Reach to Moturau Hut.

We returned from Te Anau via Mossburn and Gore, arriving back at 6.00 p.m. Thanks to Heb from the other six of us for a well-organized weekend trip – Ian
An exploration day in Silver Peaks

On Monday 29th Oct 2012 Dermot & Ken went exploring in the Silverpeaks. We parked at the first locked gate on Mountain Rd. & walked Nth. to where we had seen an old forestry road heading into the bush, on the west side of the road. We actually walked past it to start with, as you can see by the Google pic. After locating the correct track, we ventured off down it towards the Waikouaiti stream,
[or a branch of it.] Continue reading “An exploration day in Silver Peaks”