Two intrepid trampers, geared up for a week,
With lots of lovely tucker, as adventure we did seek.
We drove down to Te Anau – not raining, but it tried;
They gave us our instructions, and a helicopter ride.
Swooping up to Luxmore, …

… firewood swung below,
We landed on the helipad, then inside we did go.
Our rooms were nice and cosy, the fire was blazing well.
The views were quite stupendous …

… (and the toilet didn’t smell).
We stacked away the firewood, and made ourselves at home.
(It didn’t seem to matter that I hadn’t brought a comb).
It snowed and blew and snowed again, the rain began to pour.
The sun shone for a little while, and then it snowed some more.
Our week was really busy, we met a lot of folks.
They came from all around the world, (there were some hunky blokes).
We carried water, chopped up wood, and even cleaned the loos.
And in the evenings, by the fire, we sank a bit of booze.

Our meals were really yummy, (we both can cook quite well).
We wafted to the hut below, a tantalising smell.
DVDs to watch at night, and lots of books to read.
Lots of cuppas through the day, and then, another feed.

Elaine worked the radio, and kept us up to date
With weather forecasts as they came, so trampers knew their fate.
Some of them were ill-equipped, one lot had no food.
Others came with blisters, and one was really rude.
But most of them were friendly, they came with good intent,
Ready to enjoy themselves, and think their time well spent.
Many were from overseas, and thought our country great.
To walk upon our other tracks, they really couldn’t wait.
Judy chopped some firewood – she got whacked on the leg.
Elaine put some ice on, it came up like an egg.
A good excuse for loafing, Elaine did the chores,
While Judy sat with glass in hand, and watched her wash the floors.
We wandered up Mt Luxmore, right up we tried to go,
But didn’t finally make it, because of thigh-deep snow.

The week flew by so quickly, with little time to spare.
With such a great experience, we’re going back next year! – Judy, prompted by Elaine.
Ian. An addition from a later date: May 2015 Report excerpt from:
Kepler Kiwi Catching – By Southern Contractors for Fiordland Conservation Trust
“…. we arrived at the hut just after dark to find that our message hadn’t been received and the two volunteer wardens, Judy Knox and Elaine Day, didn’t know we were coming. With 70+ trampers making the most of the first weekend off season and fine forecast Judy and Elaine had bodies on mattresses coming out their ears but they were most accommodating and kindly set us up in the wardens quarters. We fuelled up and headed out at 2000.
“We arrived back at the hut just after 0400 for a few hours zzzs on the hut warden’s spare bunk and floor.
“Trip diary: 2nd
“We woke up with the light but were feeling quite jaded after the big night and less than three hours sleep and so we didn’t make it out the door till 1045.” – Ian.